清晨醒来,心中满是对你的思念。● Embrace the sunshine, even if you are in the shadows, you must shine brightly.
拥抱阳光,即使身处阴霾,也要有光芒万丈。● Instead of wandering in the shadows of the past, it’s better to stride towards the sunlight.与其在过去的阴影中徘徊,不如向着阳光大步前行。● Every effort is a gift to the future from yourself.每一次努力,都是自己给未来的礼物。● Cherish every encounter, because they cannot be replicated.珍惜每一份相遇,因为它们不可复制。● Hold on to your dreams, time will prove you right.坚持你的梦想,时间会为你作证。● Learning to let go is sometimes another way to gain.学会放手,有时候是另一种获取。

● Remember to applaud for yourself, because you are stronger than you think.记得为自己鼓掌,因为你比你想象的要强大。● Seize today, cherish the present, life will reward you.把握今天,珍惜眼前,生活自会给予回报。● Every alleyway you inadvertently walk through might hide undiscovered scenery.每一条不经意走过的小巷,都可能藏着未被发现的风景。● Sometimes, persistence is the best bravery, even if the future is unknown.有时候,坚持就是最好的勇敢,即使前路未知。● The joy of being understood is greater than the vanity of being praised.被理解的喜悦,胜过被赞美的虚荣。● True strength is allowing yourself to have weaknesses, not being invincible.真正的强大,是允许自己有弱点,而不是无所不能。

● Every effort is taking responsibility for your future.每一次努力,都是对自己的未来负责。● Do not fear failure, because every attempt has its value.不畏惧失败,因为每一次尝试都有其价值。● Sometimes life needs a bit of improvisation, to be spontaneous, and to live authentically.生活有时需要一点即兴,随性而为,真实而活。● Persistence means, even if the whole world tells you it’s impossible, you still continue on your path.坚持就是,即便全世界都对你说不可能,你还要继续走你的路。● Happiness is not about having a lot, but caring less.快乐不是因为拥有的多,而是计较的少。● Not every ending is a tragedy, sometimes an ending is just another beginning.不是每一个结束都是悲剧,有时候结束只是另一个开始。